• 唱游天下华晨宇完美演绎《Feeling good》触动全场

  • 发表时间:2015-12-29 15:20 | 优美女人网(www.umelady.com) | 点击数:
  • 唱游天下华晨宇完美演绎《Feeling good》触动全场

    唱游天下华晨宇完美演绎《Feeling good》触动全场

    唱游天下华晨宇完美演绎《Feeling good》触动全场

    上周五唱游天下华晨宇带来一首改编英文歌曲《Feeling good》,全场安静聆听华晨宇迷幻的旋律,摇滚的曲风,配上华晨宇慵懒魅惑的声线,最终触动全场心灵,带来不一样的听觉盛宴。

    《Feeling Good》歌词

    Birds flying high

    You know how I feel

    Sun in the sky

    You know how I feel

    Reeds driftin' on by

    You know how I feel

    It's a new dawn

    It's a new day

    It's a new life

    For me

    And I'm feeling good

    Fish in the sea

    You know how I feel

    River running free

    You know how I feel

    Blossom in the tree

    You know how I feel

    It's a new dawn

    It's a new day

    It's a new life

    For me

    And I'm feeling good

    Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know

    Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean

    Sleep in peace when the day is done

    And this old world is a new world

    And a bold world

    For me

    Stars when you shine

    You know how I feel

    Scent of the pine

    You know how I feel

    Yeah freedom is mine

    And I know how I feel

    It's a new dawn

    It's a new day

    It's a new life

    For me

    For me

    For me

    And I'm feeling good

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